We're proud to announce a Whiskey Run Series. From Chattanooga, TN to Savannah, GA, our race series includes venues such as Atlanta, Charleston, Memphis, Nashville, Huntsville, and Birmingham.

The Whiskey Run series is a race series produced by Scenic City Multisport. Scenic City Multisport has been a part of many great events including 7 Bridges Marathon, Scenic City Mud Run, the Cam Run, the Rump Run, and the Dollywood Light the Way 5K.

Each race brings together great pairings: community and running, local food and whiskey, music and socializing.

About Scenic City Multisport

With over 40 years of combined experience promoting and timing events, SCM has the formula and the services that will help you with the management, timing (with Jaguar timing systems), and growth of your event so you can provide the premium participant experience. Registration through itsyourrace.com.